1. Attraction test: What attracts you to a man or woman and what attracts him or her to you? If it is outward appearances like hair, set of teeth, car, money, breast, beauty, voice, shape, buttocks that causes the attraction then it is infatuation. True love depends on Godly qualities, intelligence, fear of God, hard work, integrity, submission etc. If what you love is just the appearance, it appears you are just being lustful.
2. Purpose test: Why do you want that person? Is it to marry him or her just to have sex with her or to kiss him, touch her breast, get his money or enjoy his big car and house? If it is not based on lasting commitment, it is not love but lust. And if you noticed that somebody is not really interested in marrying you, but has ulterior motives, you better run away from the fellow.
3. Activity test: What do you normally do when you are together?. When you are together plan about your future, pray together, study the scripture together, attend christian seminars, discussing about God and about yourselves. If all you do is to kiss, hug, cuddle, fondle, go to cinema houses and have sex, you are not in love though you will think you are, but you are only being lustful and getting lost from the presence of God.
4. Caring test: Does the person care about your life, academics, emotion, feelings, careers, or what he or she wanted is to have his or her way. If all he wants is to have sex despite the fact that you objected to it, shows that the person does not care for you because true love cares, and considers.
5. Longevity test: How long do you think the relationship will last, is it till you find another person? True love is permanent while lust is not, do not be foolish, take to your heels.
6. Purity test: Does your relationship glorify God? Is it godly? If it does/is not, it is not love; it is of the devil, it is lust and sinful.
7. Divine relationship test: How far is your relationship with God? Since you started this present relationship, check your prayer life, Bible study life, your commitment to the things of God, your hearing from God, do you feel the presence of God or you feel dry? If that relationship has separated you from God it is not love it is lust, go out of it, before it destroys your life.
8. Interest test: How consistent is your interest? In infatuation and lust, your interest in each other blows hot and cold, the reason is that your interest grows so fast that the root are shallow and is based only on emotions which can go up and down. For real love, your feelings are likely to be warm and tender instead of hot and cold, true love is matured and courteous.
9. Maturity test: How old are you? If you are still a teenager, you are not likely to be in love, you are only being infatuated. True love comes with maturity. The love affairs in secondary schools are not of God because they are based on infatuation and lust, true love can only come from matured mind, unselfish and godly mind.
10. Effect test: Infatuation has a disorganizing effect upon your academics, life and personality. It makes you less efficient and less responsible. Real love adds value to your life. Your partner should bring out the best quality in you. If it is true love, he or she will want to make you a better person.
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