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Dont Underestimating the Power of Love

Love Is Trite
Love is simply the most discussed, most sung about, most poemed (is that a word?), most cried over, laughed over topic in the world, ever. There is nothing new to say about love. You've heard it so many times, it's easy to dismiss, even if you believe in the power of love.
Yet did you see those photos of hers? The presence of love took the ordinary and made it glow. The next time I go up to my kitchen, you can bet I'll be looking at my peeler differently.
I know I don't have to convince you about the power of love. But I feel I do need to open all of our eyes to remembering the power of it.

Love Needs Context
In my tradition of Sufism, love is talked about needing both an object and a subject. A lover and a beloved. Without a beloved, the one loved, love is not activated, engaged. It does not come alive.
And without a lover, the one who loves, love has nowhere to live.
When we talk about bringing heart into business, we're talking about love. But what we're really talking about is the miraculous, immersive experience that happens between the lover and the beloved, and how that affects everyone around.
If you are bringing love to your business, what is your context? Who is the beloved, who is the lover?

Love is (Often) Hidden
Take a moment right now. Close your eyes. Put your hand over your heart. Allow your lungs to fill with a gentle, full breath. Now, in your heart, ask for love.
Open your eyes. Look at something to do with your business. Keep your eyes open. Put your hand over your heart. Allow your lungs to fill with a gentle, full breath. In your heart, ask to witness love within whatever you are looking at.
Take your time. Sometimes our previous experiences veil the deeper witnessing of love from us. Look at your phone, or your computer, or your desk. Look at a pile of paper you need to clean up. Ask to witness the deeper love in it.
What changes? What becomes possible?

Love Requires You
You may need love, but love also needs you. As Mevlana Jallalu'ddin Rumi wrote, "The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep."
Be awake to love. Honor the lover and beloved in each context. Look deeper for what is hidden.

By Mark H Silver

Love Tests - Check Which One IS For You!

Do you get butterflies in your stomach each time you think about or see your significant other? If you answered yes to that question then you're most likely in love. Maybe not the grand affair of 'Romeo and Juliet' but somewhere close at least.
So exactly what type of love do you share with your partner? Is it the obsessive kind or the rose tinted glasses kind or just a warm companionable kind? The only way you're going to find out for sure is if you take one of those loves tests. You know, the ones where you're asked a bunch of love related questions and you pick a response from a selection of options. You can find variations of love tests online.
When you start looking for online love tests you'll come across a range of different tests:
#1. Romantic Love Tests
This type of love test matches your compatibility with each other based on your ideals of romance. You'll find out if you're the passionate sort of person and if your partner is more of a cool customer. Either way, having an idea of the type of gestures that you both find romantic will go a long way to solving emotional clashes.
#2. Soul Mate Love Tests
Soul mate love tests generally try to identify if you're both each other's soul mates. Through a series of clever questions, your responses will reveal how each of you view the other. And whether or not your interpretation of each other is accurate. In other words, you'll find out whether or not you've discovered your soul mate. And if you have, then in all likelihood you'll live happily ever after!
#3. Love Meter Tests
In this type of test, your love thermometer is measured. It gauges how much you're into your partner. The higher the meter reading, the stronger your love for your partner. Passionate love scores very high. A more companionable love can be determined from a lower reading. If the meter's too low, that means you'd better beware because someone's just too cool for the relationship to last. You might have to start looking elsewhere if you're looking for commitment.
#4. Love Percentage Tests
The kind of questions that these sorts of love tests ask include what characteristics of your partner you find attractive. Your response will determine how high your love percentage is. For example if physical beauty is the only trait that you admire in your partner, you might have a low love percentage. That's because you didn't pick deeper traits as well such as respect for each other and a shared sense of humor. These are just some of the aspects that make for a strong relationship.
You could take all manner of love tests to discover the sort of lover you are or whether you share a deep and abiding love with your partner. You can view the relationship from your significant other's point of view. You can gain valuable insights into your love temperature. A word of warning though. Love tests are for fun - don't go making serious life decisions based on them! Henrich Rault

The Power of Love - Discovering the Love That Lies Within Us All

To feel love for someone and their love in return is the most wonderful experience of our lives. When we feel love, we experience joy and fulfillment, but when it is absent we rapidly become unhappy and disillusioned. The search for love defines our lives and plays a critical role in the quality of our relationships. Love really does make our world go round!

Unfortunately we are rarely given any teaching about love, and yet with a little understanding and awareness it can transform our lives. Love can solve problems and heal emotional pain, but only when we allow ourselves to experience its power - we must invite love into our lives.

Consider for a moment the times when you have fallen in love or felt the love of a parent, child or friend. It is almost impossible to describe those comforting feelings of connection and well-being. Notice how anxieties and problems fall away to be replaced by solutions, ease and confidence. There is a timeless quality about love that buoys you up and protects you in even the most despairing of times. You are experiencing the power of love to heal and bring joy and success into your life.

Love is the fundamental truth of life. We are born to love and be loved. It is our natural state. Some people prefer to see this love as a characteristic of our humanity while others prefer to see it as the manifestation of a divine or spiritual source of love. Whatever our personal belief, the power of love is experienced when we connect open-heartedly with others and embrace our natural connections.
Our emotional and relationship problems result from our denial of love - our separation from the love that bonds all people and separation from our higher or spiritual source of love. This denial usually starts when we are very young and has a damaging impact on our lives. Perversely, we invent all manner of negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours to distract us from the love that we already possess. In romantic relationships we then search for love from another person, or try to gain fulfillment from material possessions, to replace the love that we believe is lacking within. This is a terrible mistake because until we have rediscovered self-love, we cannot give or receive love fully from somebody else.

Luckily the best place to work on finding self-love is within a supportive relationship. All relationships have their challenges and it is by working with our partner through the difficult times that a partnership is strengthened. Relationships fail because of our inability to get to the core emotional issues that create the separation. These will be our fears and insecurities and lack of self-belief. In our attempt to hide away any sense of low self-worth we make ourselves unavailable to our partner. It is like building a fortress around ourselves - we think it protects us but in reality it damages or even destroys our relationships.

The way to embrace our loving essence and our natural connections with others is to be willing to feel all our emotions and communicate about them maturely to our partners. We can also ask them about there feelings and commit to working with them to heal any fear.. Normally we will find that they have just the same fears and insecurities as us, but may play them out in different styles. Getting to these core issues is the key to healing the pain and fear in a relationship and to becoming more bonded.

As we achieve such healing within our relationships we will automatically discover more success in our lives, we will feel more fulfilled and this will make us happier. We can all do this if we can find the courage to feel our emotions and reveal them within our relationships. As our hearts open we will feel all the love that has been hidden behind our defenses and our relationships will go from strength to strength.


The Power of Giving Unconditional Love

"You can't give love to someone else without knowing how to give yourself love first."
According to humanistic psychology, human beings have an inner need and desire to give and receive high quality love. Love is the glue that holds together human society and without it our lives have little meaning or purpose. In fact, our need to give high quality love to others drives us towards behaviors that would otherwise be considered insane, such as mother rushing into a raging fire to save her child or a father working night and day at a job he hates in order to provide sustenance for his family. Modern Western society has focused quite a bit of attention on how to attract, possess, and maintain love in one's own life, but it often misses the main secret of attracting love--that if you give love unconditionally from the heart, you will get love back in abundance from the unlimited supply the universe holds.

What is Unconditional Love?
Before we define what unconditional love is, we should first clarify what love means in the context of this article. Genuine love for another person simply means the continual desire and the act of increasing the level of happiness in another person's life. It's important that we understand exactly what unconditional love is so that we can know exactly how to express it completely to ourselves and towards others, as well as fully appreciating it when it is offered to us by others. Unconditional love is the ability to accept, respect, and care for yourself and others without any conditions, limitations or reservations attached to that love. Unconditional love is the practice of giving of love to others without demanding that they perform behaviors that you desire. This kind of love is best portrayed by the love between a mother and her child. Unconditional love has little to do with romance, friendships or relationships and more to do with an abundance of love for yourself which flows out from your body and attracts good things and people into your life like a magnet.
When describing unconditional love towards yourself, it means the pure acceptance of everything that is you, including all your flaws and weaknesses. Really this is the basis of unconditional love because love in its true form cannot be shared or given to someone else until you love and accept yourself first. There are no boundaries or limits on love that is unconditional. You are not trying to control the actions or behaviors of the other person, nor do you impose conditions on your love by restricting that love if they behave or don't behave a certain way. Unconditional love is the ability to want what's best for others in their pursuit of universal happiness, irregardless of your own opinions and biases of them or their behavior. Unconditional love is an overflow of positive energy that comes from the complete love that you have for yourself so no matter what the other person's says or does; it will not affect your level of happiness.

The Benefits of Unconditional Love
The practice of giving unconditional love requires by its very nature that you don't expect anything directly in return for giving it to others. By providing unconditional love to others, you are expressing your faith that good things will be drawn into your life through the law of attraction. Here are some benefits of giving unconditional love:
o The act of giving unconditional love to others eliminates the fear of anger and reprisal from other people for any behavior you do. It also facilitates open and honest relationships with other people.
o In a more spiritual sense, sharing your love unconditionally with the world sends out positive energy which will be returned to you in one form or another to create great abundance, wealth, and goodness that you deserve in your own life.
o When you provide unconditional love to others, you are not dependent on others for happiness, but rather you derive your happiness from within. Your energy radiates to those around you and the world gives back to you in abundance.
o When you give love unconditionally, then you can't be ever angry at anyone. All human minds need congruency of thought and it's simply impossible to hate another person if you have made the conscious decision that you are going to love them unconditionally.
o By giving unconditional love to others, you side-step any tricks, emotional ploys, and unfair negotiating tactics because you have consciously choses to take responsibility for giving them love from own heart despite the behaviors that they exhibit.

Happiness Comes from Within
Those people who try to find their love and happiness in the possessions, places or people they have in their life are destined to be miserable in life because they fail to understand that true happiness can only be found within themselves. Everlasting joy, happiness and love all come from falling in love with yourself. The people, places and things that you attract into your life that make you happy only serve to enhance the love that you already have for yourself. They can never replace that inner love. If you want to practice giving unconditional love, then the first person you must show true love to first is yourself. Love yourself for the person that you are, which includes all your flaws as well as your strengths.

How to Practice Giving Unconditional Love
To practice unconditional love is simple, yet you must make a conscious decision to act on accordingly. You must first make the conscious decision that no matter what the other person thinks, says or does, you are going to provide them with the same amount of love that you would if they treated you like royalty. More importantly, you make the firm commitment that you are going to provide them with unconditional love freely and without harboring any negative intentions.

 o Unconditionally love yourself first. The first person that you need to show unconditional love to first is yourself. After all, you are married to yourself for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not. Learn to love everything about you because even your flaws make you unique and special. Once you fall in love with yourself, then the world opens up in abundance to your life.

o Don't use "if-then" clauses with your love. The use of "if-then" clauses makes the love conditional, even if you only say it inside your own mind. For example, "If you treat me well, then I will show you affection." Unconditional love exists without any "if-then" statements.

o Write what you love about yourself. In your journal or on a piece of paper, write 15 qualities that you love about yourself. This will help you visualize and memorize all the great qualities that you possess. After you finish writing those qualities down, repeat them out loud to yourself

o Unconditional love is not automatic. Always remember that unconditional love is something that you must decide to give, not something that is automatically given. It requires practice to give love to those that you don't like and to accept everyone for who they are, regardless of your opinions about them.

o Don't give love with expectation in mind. If you expect something back in return for your love, then that makes the love you give conditional in nature. Instead, have the faith to believe that what you put out there in the world will eventually come back to you, but don't expect it at that very moment to be returned.

o Repeat it in your mind. If you get upset at yourself or another person, then immediately begin to say over and over in your mind, "I love [Person] unconditionally, no matter what they say or do." Your mind cannot hate a person and love them at the same time because it is not congruent thinking, so it immediately removes much of the anger and hatred that builds inside of you if you repeat statements of love in your mind.

o Write it down. If any negative thoughts enter your mind about yourself or another person in your life, then destroy those thoughts with the power of writing. In your journal or on a piece of paper, write 15 things that you love about the other person and after you are done, repeat it out loud. This cancels out your negative thoughts of the person and it sows the seeds of unconditional love for that person in your subconscious mind.

When you fall in love with yourself, you give yourself the ultimate power to pick up the pen and begin to write your own book rather than having other people write it for you. You are able to tap into the unlimited potential that is within you. It's like a spark that ignites your heart and that passion spreads to your mind and your body. Everything in life becomes crystal clear. When you fall in love with yourself, the world opens up to you in abundance.  
 ~Tristan Loo

10 Flowers That Represent Love

10 Flowers That Represent Love

 Flowers have always been used to represent various emotions including love. Flowers often convey feelings and emotions more effectively than words. That is why giving flowers is one of the best ways to express one's love. However, a person must know the flowers, which represent love, in order to express his or her feelings effectively. A few of the flowers, which represent love, are mentioned below.

 Red Rose
Everyone knows that the red rose represents love. Thus, it is the most common symbol of love. One can find flower shops filled with it on Valentine's Day, which is the day of lovers. To be more specific, the red rose represents passionate love or longing for someone.

Red Carnation
The red carnation is also symbolic of love. Its popularity as a symbol of love sometimes rivals the popularity of the red rose. It also represents passionate love and desire for someone. A bouquet of red carnations makes a great gift for one's beloved as carnations are long-lasting and cheap.

This flower is also commonly exchanged between lovers and symbolizes love, passion and beauty. It represents love perfectly due to its beauty.

The tulip represents perfect love and is therefore, popular as a romantic flower. This flower is available in different colors including pink, yellow and red. Among these, the red tulip is commonly used to express one's love for his or her beloved.

This flower represents innocence, purity and loyal love. Moreover, the flower was the first one to be used for playing "he loves me, he loves me not". It is available in many colors and varieties giving lots of choice to lovers.

Gardenia symbolizes secret love and is also used to tell the recipient that she is lovely. It also acts as a reminder of the fragility of love. Besides this, it is popular as a wedding flower since weddings represent love and purity.
This particular flower denotes true love. There is a legend associated with this flower. According to it, a German soldier picked a bunch of these flowers for his beloved but before he could give them, a flash flood swept him away. Before dying, he cried out "forget me not", and that is how it became known as forget-me-not.

Purple Lilac
The purple lilac symbolizes first love. It is often exchanged between youthful lovers and is the traditional flower of the 8th wedding anniversary.

This flower signifies the love between man and wife. It is associated with Aphrodite, who was the Greek goddess of love.

This yellow flower represents the bond of love and devotion as it has a clinging nature. It can thus, be used to say "I love you" to someone.


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